Whether in military or civilian applications, protecting troop and VIP convoys from the threat of roadside bombs, or radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs), has become a very high priority and a tactical challenge. Almenta is proud to provide the world’s number one bomb jammers, supplied in specially customized vehicles. These systems provide the ultimate protection of convoys from the threat of radio-controlled road-side bombs.
In order to mitigate the threat of attack by remote controlled improvised explosive devises while traveling by vehicle, our convoy jamming system was created. The protection jammer convoy jamming system for convoy security consists of several electronic warfare ECM jammers. These jammers are placed at various points on select convoy vehicles in order to increase the coverage of RF jamming efficiency.
Known as the CTS-2015 Convoy Protection Jamming system convoy protection jammer, the vehicle speed has no negative effect on coverage. When convoy safety is a priority, the CTS-2012 is recommended in order to reduce threats involving remote controlled IED attacks caused by the following:
- Cellular based cell phone IEDs
- Satellite phone IEDs
- Radio triggered weapons fashioned by consumer and commercial grade electronics
What kinds of vehicles would employ the convoy protection jammer Convoy Protection Jamming system?
- SUVs
- Cars
- Buses
- Trucks
- Medical vehicles
- Tactical police vehicles