High power manpack multi frequency digital jammer UHF VHF and Mobile network The general design of the system meets military requirements as well as international quality standards and requirements. Our industrial in-house quality management system guarantees highest quality standards in
terms of performance, reliable and long-life cycles.
Based on our general design, we can further customize our systems to client-specified scenarios both for
military and civil applications in order to provide the best individual solution.
Advantages Of The WF-Manpack Jam4 Plus
High-power Manpack multi-band jammer.
Digital Technology ,Italy Pelican Case.
Modular construction for easy maintenance, repair and upgrade.
Jam up to four different jamming modules.
Max 110 watts total RF output power.
High portable, back pack type.
Internal battery, AC mains or DC power.
External LCD display to indicate the battery level.
Systematic Smart Cooling System.
The general design of the system meets military requirements.
RF Frequency Band(MHz)
25-60 30W ,HF,Radio Control Toys;Car Alarms
135-175/240-280/310-400 Walky-talky ( VHF ) Remote Control, Walky-talky ( UHF300 ) 50W
400-470 Cellular NMT; Walky-Talky ( UHF400 ); Cellular CDMA450; Car Alarm; Remote Control 15W
725-775,850-895;925-960 LTE4G, Cellular CDMA800/GSM900, UHF800 15W
1805-1880/1920-1990 Cellular HGSM1800,GSM1900/ PHS 10W
2110-2170 Cellular UMTS / WCDMA,CDMA2000 ( 3G ) 10W
2400-2500/2620-2690 WLAN & Bluetooth & WiFi ,LTE,4G 25W